Ch. Leokings Premiere Attraction


 Ch Robynras Albertina  x Leokings Oslo

3 years old , 35 Green stars , 25 with BOB , 12 Res GS , Celtic Winner 2014 , An Ch 2013 , International Champion and 2 x 2nd group 2 placings
Crufts 2014 and 2015 Crufts qualified


Delboy was 'white boy' from our litter from Carys and Ossie bringing together 3 of our lovely lions into a litter was a dream for us and Delboy was Mandys pick to come home to live with Ossie and her family .
As you can see they were and are inseparable , and have formed a very close bond .( pic )
Delboy is a very cheeky character , and nearly always finds mischief to get up to . He has a terrific love of water and all things containing it are promptly tipped and spilled , along with tools which are borrowed , and anything else he thinks is interesting . Life is never dull with Delboy !!

Visit Delboy's website

Delboy's  shows .
Hibernian .Best puppy ,Green star and BOB .
Fermoy Int Ch show Best puppy , May 5th 2012 Group 2 puppy 3rd place
Combined Easter Classic INT show , Apr 7th 2012
Best puppy in Breed , Best puppy group 2 and Res best puppy in show .
St Patricks day Best puppy Dog
27th dec 2011 Dublin dog show ,
 Best Leo baby puppy , and 4th best baby puppy .

6 months old

8 months in group 2


Reserve best puppy in show 2012 combined canine international show