Our puppy Faith headed off to California and is now well settled in her new home with Linda at Bellawoods Leos . We wish her all the very best over there in her new life in the sun .
Jasmine got her spay and has recovered well and we hope now she will eat better and put some weight on . After a couple of weeks of rest and recuperation , we took her , her brother Baloo and our Cockapoo Daisy for their Irish Therapy assessment and we are very happy that they passed easily . It was noted they had such wonderful calm sensible temperaments , and were eager to engage with people . We are very proud of them and this makes a total of 10 of our own dogs. that have passed and become Therapy dogs over the years .
Our beautiful Jasmine working as a Therapy dog .
Our gorgeous Daisy a Apricot Cockapoo , who loves everyone and everyone loves her !!
Pretty Zeta ,now 5 1/2 years , in her full winter coat , another of our working Therapy dogs .