A busy and enjoyable day was had at the Longford Agricultural show where we took Tassu , Baloo and Jasmine to help with collecting for Irish Therapy dogs . Tassu was busy with his cart and carrying little kids around and all of them enjoyed all the pats and hugs they received from their many fans ! Helping alongside ours were Ashas sister Megan and Zetas sister Ria .We were so delighted with how the puppies coped with the crowds and loudspeakers and other dogs , they were true stars .
We went to Sligo ch show where I handled Tassu and he took the Green star Dog and his daughter Jasmine best puppy under Mrs J Dooner . We thank the judge for her kind words and awards .
Saturday 22nd was our annual puppy party and it was fabulous . Altogether we had leos in ages from 6 months to 8 years old and from 7 different litters . They all got on great and we had much laughter watching their antics in the water and swimming together .
Prada was scanned by our vet and she is expecting puppies with Tassu !! A good sized litter was seen . We already have some bookings for both sexes . If you are interested in a puppy please let us know and we can arrange a visit to meet us and the Leos.

Some of our lovely puppy families with their Leos at our annual Puppy party . It was hard to fit all into one photo !

Our Jasmine and Baloo , perfect synchronicity swimming .

Some of the many Leokings Leonbergers having fun along with their owners .