We heard of the death of Ramius ( Adlihtam Hunt for Red October ) in Australia . He was the last dog surviving from the litter from Zorro and Saffy and passed on at the great age of 11 years 10 months. He is much missed but had a wonderful happy and healthy life .
We also heard the news of the death of Harlee in the US from the litter from Tully and Georgia . She passed on at 12 years and 10 months old . What an amazing age for a Leo .
Also passed on was Dior from our litter from Skye and Zorro . She was 11 years and 2 months . Much loved and missed by all .
We received a lovely photo of Bran from our litter from Carys and Yogi . He is now 8 1/2 years and looking great .
A lovely pic of Louis , half brother to Bran and very similar .