An exciting month with lots going on ! Firstly we would like to wish Mary Ann Ruggiero Smith in the USA the very best for her upcoming whelping and puppies from Ch Leokings Lionheart ( Sully ) and AKC GCH Victoria Secret v Sanften Loewen ( Tori ) . We are looking forward to seeing them and watching them grow .At Portadown Sully took Green star and then BOB with his son Otso taking the Res GS and following with achieving 4th in the Puppy stakes .The following day at Banbridge, Sully again took Green star and BOB , but then went on to with Group 2 under Joan Walsh and then was awarded the huge honour of Best In Show under Judge Heather Timmins ! What an achievement for Mandy and family as this makes Breed History in Ireland as the first Leonberger ever to win Best in Show at a Championship show !!
His son Otso also made Res Green star and was also placed in the Puppy stakes .
At Fermoy Int ch show , athough entered we couldnt attend , Otso took best puppy male under Judge Mr E Paulsen ( Nor ) and Sully won Ch male class , Green star male , CACIB and BOB . He then got shortlisted in Group 2 to the last 6 dogs under Judge Mr L R Hjorth .Otso went into Puppy Group 2 and was awarded 2nd in the Group under Judge Mr C Beattie . The next day , at South Tipperary ,Sully won Green star and Best in Breed , and his son Otso was rewarded with an excellent grade and then the res Green star !! Judge was Mrs E Gonzales .