We are very sad to report our loss of our Baloo . Baloo had been showing signs of degenerative Myelopathy/Neuropathy in his rear legs for over a year . He had been seen by 3 vets , one a top specialist in this area . DM isn’t known in the Leonberger Breed , and so it seemed that the signs were possibly caused by a tumour on or in the peripheral nerves and due to this nothing that could be operated on . A few weeks ago , Baloo got much worse and was falling in his rear and knuckling on his rear feet . A large tumour grew out very rapidly on the area between his hip bones and we had to send him over the bridge to save further suffering .
He was an amazing , loving and loyal dog and a great ambassador for the breed and loved meeting the children at the schools he visited with his sister Jasmine twice a week . It has been heartbreaking to lose these two wonderful leos at such an early age, but we wouldn’t have missed a single moment with them .
On a happier note Kobo ( Leokings Too Much Temptation at Hillhaven ) went across to the UK to show at Paignton and won the Reserve Challenge Certificate ) , his 2nd, under Breed specialist Clare Osbourne . Congratulations to Mandy and family on his great achievement .
We received the sad news that Louis ( Leokings Turn up the Heat ) had passed away at the great age of 11 years and 11 months . He was one amazing big Leo with a heart of gold and one of the last from our Carys and Zorro litter . He loved everyone and had the softest nature ever . We share the sadness with his loving family, human and canine and he will be much missed by all who knew him .