Some very sad news this month . We lost our beautiful Asha . Last spring Asha developed a hard lump under her front armpit,extending half way down her side. This developed in to a massive sepsis and she was admitted into vets on very strong IV antibiotics . The lump blew and eventually healed up but she continued to have recurrent episodes which she had antibiotics for . Over the months , her appetite declined and she ate very little and lost a lot of weight . She still enjoyed her life and lying out in the garden . It became evident in August however that she was very ill and her quality of life was gone .
Leokings Secret Surprise ( Asha ) 12/2/2013 – 13/8/2020
If Love could have saved you , You never would have died .
Our princess passed peacefully . We are devastated .
Our baby girl loved from the minute you arrived unexpectedly , happy always , you loved everything .
Your wish was our command but we couldn’t make it better and had to let you go .
Always in our hearts .
Our grateful thanks to Longford Animal Health for their care and compassion for Asha
Our princess passed peacefully . We are devastated .
Our baby girl loved from the minute you arrived unexpectedly , happy always , you loved everything .
Your wish was our command but we couldn’t make it better and had to let you go .
Always in our hearts .
Our grateful thanks to Longford Animal Health for their care and compassion for Asha
On a happier note Leokings Dior reached the milestone of her 10th birthday !! Dior was from our Skye and Zorro litter .